Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sunday Alcohol Sales

Several months ago I had brought up the idea of allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sunday in Starkville. There was a Starkville Daily News poll and a town hall meeting; however, the item was never brought to a vote by the board.

Recently some residents who want to see Sunday sales in Starkville have developed a released a website as part of an overall campaign. This website can be found at They also have plans to release fliers and table tents in bars throughout town.


mrholmes said...

If alcohol sales is legal six days a week, thy should be legal on the 7th day.

If someone does not want to drink for religious beliefs, then they ain't got to. Like, totally dude.

As far as safety, enforce the freakin laws and punish to the fullest extent of the law.

Keep your campaign and support going Alderman Corey.

Anonymous said...

"Sunday Alcohol Sales" should stay as it is.

The smart drinkers will make their purchases in advance, so they can still drink on that day, say, in the privacy of their home.

Who needs that 7th day of the week for alcohol sales? Why can they not continue to do their business the other six days of the week? And continue to let Starkville keep some since of integrity!

Who needs a bar everyday, anyway?

Alcohol is a vice!