Monday, June 05, 2006

June 6th, 2006 Meeting

The agenda for the June 6th, 2006, has been posted on the city website and at five pages it looks to be a very long meeting indeed.

At that meeting, and soon on this blog, I will be giving a presentation on the results of the last meeting of the Technology Committee (which consists of myself, Alderman Davis, and Alderman Cox). I will be touching on the issue of a new city website with a presentation by web designer Patrick Miller from Milo Interactive and will also be proposing a cheaper hosting service for our website and updating everyone on the wireless internet initiative.

1 comment:

mrholmes said...

hey richard,

what happenned at the board meeting tuesday night? i'm sort of not in town so i need the update to be posted and its already friday morning. today man, today! not that i'm rushing u or anything. nice to see you started using the blog again. first visit in a while.

the idea of two retail / condo setups on university & russell sound good.

but what about the property on the corner of highway 12 and spring street where the old pizza hut, the old movie theatre, the now exited burger king, and the hotel is? any plans or new owners. i always found that area to be great property, especially as it is so close to campus and sorority and fraternity row and numerous college student apartments. let me know if u here anything about it.