Monday, June 12, 2006

Mississippi Politics in a Nutshell

, contributing columnist to the Clarion Ledger, wrote a rather thought provoking article on what he viewed as a conservative bias on the part of media in the state of Mississippi and politics in general in the state. He makes some excellent key points and I highly recommend this article to anyone willing to read it.


mrholmes said...

yeah, i saw it. it was interesting. a unique perspective.

Anonymous said...

I think he's right for the most part, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's particularly intriguing. Mississippi leans heavily towards the right (birds of a feather and all that), and as a result the sort of people who dare not venture beyond their political/ social/ theological comfort zone get the skewed view that they are the norm. Nothing groundbreaking there. Any selectively-cognizant conservative will dismiss the article as being just more background noise that he doesn't particularly agree with.